5 Easy Ways to add Aromatherapy into your Life June 7, 2019 11:38

More and more research and studies are being conducted about the benefits of aromatherapy and essential oils. Many blends help people relax, relieve stress and anxiety, assist in pain relief and brain function. Many of our daily products such as perfumes, air freshers, cleaning products and candles contain synthetic fragrances which are harmful chemicals that can cause health problems. Ever notice getting a headache or upset stomach feeling when around some of these items? Here are a few ways you can add natural aromatherapy to your life.
1) Scent your Bedroom or Bathroom
In a small ring dish put some cotton balls and soak with your favorite essential oil for a natural release of fragrance. Add Lavender next to your bed to help you relax and fall asleep.
2) Create your own Diffuser
Find a pretty dark bottle (always best to use essential oils in a dark glass container) and add a mixture of your favorite essential oil mixed with a simple carrier oil such as Sweet Almond Oil, Jojoba Oil or Avocado Oil and add some diffuser sticks. You can even decorate the bottle to add your own touch to your decor. I've linked some diffuser sticks and pretty glass bottles below. Click photos
3) Potpourri Blend
Pick up a cute glass bowl or tea cup in the dollar store and add some inexpensive light scented potpourri or make your own with dried flowers and twigs from your garden. Add drops of your favorite essential oils and mix well. You'll have a room that is beautifully scented in no time and it's pretty too.
4) Fresh Shower
Get some eucalyptus, peppermint or rosemary oil mix with distilled water and spray in your shower. When the hot steam hits it, you'll have a luxurious shower.
5) Room Diffuser
If you rather have a room diffuser, here is a great little one for under $20.00
Bonus Tip
Remember to also use natural fragrances on your skin as well as scenting your rooms. Our natural perfumes and skin care products contain no synthetic fragrances. Many perfumes might claim to be natural but contain synthetic fragrances, which are chemicals. You can find natural perfumes here on our website and more in our Etsy shop.
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